Feel free to contact me via your preferred medium of choice!
Email, phone, messenger, twitter, LinkedIn or text.
How I approach each photoshoot
Coming from a background that includes marketing, I work with you to pinpoint your target audience and how best to capture their attention.
That audience can range, from you, spouse, family, friends, through to stock photography and agents.
After deciding the audience the next step is deciding what the minimum number of photos it is you need to reach that goal.
Behind a typical model card, 5-6 photos, which includes head, mid and full body shots can be 500-600 photos.
I will shoot as many photos as I need to until I know I got the shot!
The most time consuming part of a shoot is the planning.
When and where - multiple locations?
Lighting - natural / artificial
Makeup, Nails
Hair styling
Beard length
Outfits - and number of outfits
Although I can shoot off the cuff, I prefer to story board or list each desired shot, pose, props, lighting.
This allows me to streamline the shoot to minimize the number of changes b/w each look.
Pre Production/Planning/First hour on set : $200
Each hour after : $30
When you work with me you get lots of free thinking time!
I will be thinking about your shoot when I am driving, walking my dogs, even standing in the grocery check out line!
I want you to feel like you can contact me anytime with ideas/questions without the overhead of it costing more.
I also do TFP, day and weekend rates. Contact me for quote.
Post production
The photos you like best are not always the ones I pick first.
For that reason I simply make available to you all photos shot (minus any duds) including behind the scenes photos as well.
It’s up to you if you want me make any edits to individual photos.
For those edits I charge time $30/hour.
If you want to edit the photos yourself or have a friend do them, go for it!
After that the photos are yours to print, download, share as you want! - in line with what is called “Fair Use Rights”.
I appreciate being tagged as the photographer, but that would not be part of the model release form.
The ‘magic’ photo
Every photoshoot I have done has produced at least one ‘magic moment photo’. A photo that captured you in a way that I want to share myself on my website, social media etc.
I retain copyright on all photos to allow me to do that.
If there was a photo I shared that you really didn’t want me to, then I would usually remove that photo.
Sometimes there are photos that I take that can be commercialized through stock photography.
In such a case I would contact you for a commercial photo release and a payment agreement for any profits from that photo.